21 November 2010

Reincarnation in the Bible? Part 3

In the first part of this study, we looked at the definition of reincarnation and verses used to support the idea that reincarnation is a Biblical doctrine. In the second part, we looked at Jesus' statements used to support the idea of reincarnation and His acceptance. Now, let us see what else the Bible says that might support or contradict the idea.


We now need to look at a few other critical passages, beginning with Hebrews 9:27: “And just as it is appointed for people to die once—and after this, judgment — 28 so also the Messiah, having been offered once to bear the sins of many, will appear a second time, (C) not to bear sin, but to bring salvation to those who are waiting for Him.” This is clear, and matches what is taught by all the other New Testament writers: that there is one lifetime after which we will be judged: Paul, Peter, James, and Jesus Himself. There is no endless (or even lengthy) cycle of rebirth, of life after life. And there is no need for it (as is a common doctrine of Hinduism and other eastern religions): we do not need to be perfected through a long series of incarnations until we are pure enough to ascend to Heaven: Jesus’ sacrifice – His death – perfects us so that we can ascend.
Hebrews 9:27 is reinforced by Romans 6:23: “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” We do not need to die over and over again, because Jesus has purchased freedom from death by His blood. We must die physically – once – because of sin: that of Adam and our own – but we will live eternally because of Jesus’ sacrifice.
Still more passages support this idea that reincarnation is NOT taught or shown in the Scriptures: In 2nd Corinthians 5:8, Paul speaks of his confidence: “…yet we are confident and satisfied to be out of the body and at home with the Lord.” In death, the Christian goes “Home” to God, whether in Paradise or to Heaven: our spirit and soul are with God. Would He then send us back to “try again?” What about those who are NOT children of God, faithful to Him? Revelation 20:11-15 speaks of the judgment before the Throne of God: non-believers are judged for their works (they have rejected the blood of Christ Jesus) and then are sent (cast) into the lake of fire. NOT sent back to try again.
Job 14:7-12 also explicitly refutes the concept of human reincarnation. There are other passages that show that, taken as a whole, the doctrine or belief of reincarnation is not supported in the Bible.
In conclusion, it is clear that reincarnation is not a valid Christian doctrine which should be believed or taught. Indeed, the idea that we may have other lives ahead of us can be an active deterrent to someone to not accept Jesus the Christ as the Savior.

It seems obvious that churches of Christ should not preach or believe in any form of reincarnation, and should not have fellowship with those who do.

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