The Gospel Sower: spreading the whole Gospel to the whole world. The Gospel Sower is the successor to a dead-tree publication: The Gospel Sower of the Black Hills, a publication dedicated to preaching and defending the Gospel of Jesus Christ from the Black Hills of Wyoming and South Dakota to the entire Creation.
16 December 2010
The Necessity of Baptism
Does this understanding of baptism - the idea that "faith alone (sola fide) is required" - match with the rest of Scripture, with what we read in the New Testament?
Jesus addressed this in John 3:5.
He also spoke of it in Mark 16:16.
Peter preached this in Acts 2:38.
He also addressed this in Acts 10:47-48.
Peter later wrote about it in 1 Peter 3:21.
Ananias instructed Saul (Paul) about it, as related in Acts 22:16.
Paul (Saul) later wrote of it in Romans 6:3.
He addressed the subject again in 1 Corinthians 12:13, and in Ephesians 4:5 and
Ephesians 5:25-26.
It is Jesus' blood that washes away our sins - that blood and its action is God's free gift to us. We can't earn it. But it is God's gift; He as Author of our salvation, also creates the conditions for receiving the gift He gives us by His grace. The gift of salvation, including forgiveness of our sins, comes free from Him, but to think that submitting to baptism is any more a "work" to "earn" salvation, is as wrong as to think that filling out and putting the entry card in the box is "work" and "earns" us the grand prize in the drawing down at the supermarket.
Indeed, if there is any "work" done in baptism, it is done by the person doing the baptizing, and the "Father, Son, and Holy Spirit" into whom we are baptized. Submission to baptism is the antithesis of "earning our salvation" - and expresses as nothing else can our faith and trust in the grace of the Lord.
There are those (and I am one) who argue that remission (forgiveness) of sins flows from (pun intended) the waters of baptism - as contrasted to those who claim that forgiveness precedes the immersion of the believer. I think I am taking Peter's words in Acts 2:38 and 1 Peter 3:21 at face value, but I am no Greek scholar. So I try not to argue - but simply point out what the Scriptures say. It appears to me that salvation comes from God to us by means of a process: all of these things are intended to restore us to God's fellowship after WE, by sinning, have cut ourselves off from Him. I'm trying NOT to be like Naaman (2 Kings 5:1-19) who wanted to quibble over the terms of God's gift to him of healthy life. His servant could ask us the same question he did ask his master: "If the prophet had told you to do some mighty deed, would you have objected?" God wants us to be baptized, and the command is made to those who believe on Him. We need to do it, in the same way and with the same attitude that those in the First Century did.
07 December 2010
"Give to him who asks..."
Matthew 5:42 finishes a series of three admonitions of our Lord regarding trials and tribulations with these words: "Give to him who asks you, and from him who wants to borrow from you do not turn away." |
| Why is this particular command from our Lord here? It does not seem to be directly related to demonstrating a good attitude under trial. But is it not difficult, and therefore a test or trial, to have a godly attitude in parting with what we hold dear? Especially when we are dealing with people that may be difficult to deal with, for a variety of reasons, including family and brothers and sisters in Christ. The parallel in Luke 6:30 follows the pattern of the previous statements and illustrations: "Give to everyone who asks of you. And from him who takes away your goods do not ask them back." Does this seem foolish? Many think that what Jesus requires here is foolish, for many reasons. Are we to give to everyone? Are we to allow our property to be stolen, without objecting? Perhaps Luke 6:34-35 clarifies what Jesus intends for us to do: “And if you lend to those from whom you hope to receive back, what credit is that to you? For even sinners lend to sinners to receive as much back. But love your enemies, do good, and lend, hoping for nothing in return; and your reward will be great, and you will be sons of the Highest. For He is kind to the unthankful and evil.” The Lord’s illustration in this verse in Matthew deals with borrowing and lending, not with allowing thieves to rob us. As in the other illustrations, the primary point made is that loss or financial harm is preferable, rather than to retaliate or worsen the situation. When we give to someone in need (even in the guise of a loan), we should not expect to be repaid for our generosity, and we should certainly not take steps to force reimbursement. Benevolence should be done without expecting any gain. But God knows what we do, and He will provide and show us His favor: "He who has pity on the poor lends to the LORD, and He will pay back what he has given." Proverbs 19:17. If a person asks for a loan of money or goods, we should address his request assuming that he makes it in good faith, if there are no reasons to doubt his sincerity. But we must keep in mind basic principles from God's Word. What principles?
Jesus' suggestion is that, if we do lend to others, we should consider that money to be gone forever. The struggle to regain it is likely not worth the effort, and is likely to damage relationships, and will do no good to one's character. So it is something to be avoided, and the best way is to make sure that we loan and give with careful discernment regarding the person and the situation. God does NOT want us to make a bad situation worse! In summary, what does Jesus’ illustration in Matthew 5:42 require of us? It asks of us, not only that we should lend without suspicion and with no eye to profit, but that we also should have a generous spirit of outgoing concern for a brother or sister in need. And it is not, as some claim, a command to let ourselves be conned, robbed, or stolen from with impunity. |
03 December 2010
The Wonders of God's World: Arsenic Bacteria
A strange, salty lake in California has yielded an equally strange bacterium that thrives on arsenic and redefines life as we know it, researchers reported on Thursday.
The bacteria do not merely eat arsenic — they incorporate the toxic element directly into their DNA, the researchers said.
The finding shows just how little scientists know about the variety of life forms on Earth, and may greatly expand where they should be looking for life on other planets and moons, the NASA-funded team said.
Obviously, we don't need to go to other worlds to find strange new lifeforms. The NASA search for life on other planets is fascinating, and stirs excitement in many people, but we often forget just why NASA and many scientists seek to find life elsewhere: because they believe that it will prove evolution and disprove special creation. This find will no doubt be enlisted in that great cause, as well.
But to the committed and knowledgeable child of God, this is one more proof of the marvelous wonder of God's creation. Here is a species which not only can tolerate an element (itself created by God) that normally kills organisms, but which NEEDS this element and incorporates it into itself.
I am reminded of Job 37:14, and of Job 42:3. We know that God did this - now, all you who preach and believe natural evolution, we wait for you to explain how this species could evolve, either with or without divine help.
02 December 2010
King Saul - Lessons Learned (Part 1)
The People of Israel were tired of freedom, tired of liberty, tired of being a chosen people and wanted to be like all the rest of the nations (1 Samuel 8:4-5), and God decided to tell Samuel to let them have what they wanted, but warned them of what they would get together with what they wanted. (1 Samuel 8:11-17)
So God picked Saul. Was it because he knew that Saul, despite his best intentions, would turn out exactly as God had warned the elders of Israel? Or would ANYONE given that position, that authority, turn out to be as bad as Saul? We do not know, now.
Ultimately, Saul rebelled against God, as recorded in 1 Samuel 13: 9 and 1 Samuel 15:1-11. But together with that, he did a large number of foolish things, and his actions led to the virtual collapse of Israel and his own death together with his sons.
Matthew Allen, a gospel preacher, presents an excellent review of Saul's declining leadership. However, looking at this, it is difficult to see if ANY man could do better: proving the Lord's warning to Israel was, if anything, too mild by far.
The first lessons learned?
1. Do not trade your liberty for a little security - or worse, to be like everyone else.
2. Do not expect the best choice for "supreme leader" to be any good at all in the long run.
25 November 2010
Important verses
He who has believed and has been baptized shall be saved, but he who has disbelieved shall be condemned. Mark 16:16
You are My friends if you do what I command you. John 15:14
Or do you not know that all of us who have been baptized into Christ Jesus have been baptized into His death? Therefore, we have been buried with Him through baptism into death, in order that as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, so we too might walk in newness of life. Romans 6:3-4
24 November 2010
Thanksgiving Blessings
We can and are thankful to God for all we have, each and every day. But it does not hurt to spend more than a few daily minutes in prayer to thank Him in more detail for all we have been blessed with:
- His love and our lives
- His Son and His sacrifice for our salvation
- Our church: brothers and sisters in Christ
- Our family
- Our friends
- Our home and land
- Our liberties
And so much more! God bless!
PS: Be sure to read the three part series (click on Archives to the lower right! or "Older Posts") on reincarnation!
21 November 2010
Reincarnation in the Bible? Part 3
We now need to look at a few other critical passages, beginning with Hebrews 9:27: “And just as it is appointed for people to die once—and after this, judgment — 28 so also the Messiah, having been offered once to bear the sins of many, will appear a second time, (C) not to bear sin, but to bring salvation to those who are waiting for Him.” This is clear, and matches what is taught by all the other New Testament writers: that there is one lifetime after which we will be judged: Paul, Peter, James, and Jesus Himself. There is no endless (or even lengthy) cycle of rebirth, of life after life. And there is no need for it (as is a common doctrine of Hinduism and other eastern religions): we do not need to be perfected through a long series of incarnations until we are pure enough to ascend to Heaven: Jesus’ sacrifice – His death – perfects us so that we can ascend.
Hebrews 9:27 is reinforced by Romans 6:23: “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” We do not need to die over and over again, because Jesus has purchased freedom from death by His blood. We must die physically – once – because of sin: that of Adam and our own – but we will live eternally because of Jesus’ sacrifice.
Still more passages support this idea that reincarnation is NOT taught or shown in the Scriptures: In 2nd Corinthians 5:8, Paul speaks of his confidence: “…yet we are confident and satisfied to be out of the body and at home with the Lord.” In death, the Christian goes “Home” to God, whether in Paradise or to Heaven: our spirit and soul are with God. Would He then send us back to “try again?” What about those who are NOT children of God, faithful to Him? Revelation 20:11-15 speaks of the judgment before the Throne of God: non-believers are judged for their works (they have rejected the blood of Christ Jesus) and then are sent (cast) into the lake of fire. NOT sent back to try again.
Job 14:7-12 also explicitly refutes the concept of human reincarnation. There are other passages that show that, taken as a whole, the doctrine or belief of reincarnation is not supported in the Bible.
In conclusion, it is clear that reincarnation is not a valid Christian doctrine which should be believed or taught. Indeed, the idea that we may have other lives ahead of us can be an active deterrent to someone to not accept Jesus the Christ as the Savior.
It seems obvious that churches of Christ should not preach or believe in any form of reincarnation, and should not have fellowship with those who do.
If you wish to comment on this article, please do so on this blog!
Reincarnation in the Bible? Part 2
Why, some ask, would Jesus then say that Elijah had returned in fulfillment of Malachi’s prophesy (and Elijah’s own), if he really did not? For the same reason that we speak of someone sending or carrying a warning to others of attack as a “Paul Revere.” Or the same reason that a historian might refer to Simon Bolivar as “George Washington” – not because the messenger is thought to be the reincarnation of Revere or because General Bolivar was the reincarnation of General Washington, but because they filled a role like that previously filled by the earlier person. We do the same thing today, speaking of someone as a “Clara Barton” or “JFK” returned. We can see that Malachi’s prophesy is of this nature as well: a new Elijah, calling “make ye ready the way of the Lord” will appear before that awesome day of the Lord. This is figurative language, just as calling Jesus “the Lamb of God” is figurative: Jesus was not an actual lamb. Nor was He a vine nor a door (John 10:9).
Indeed, those who knew of Elijah’s ascension said (2 Kings 2:15), “The spirit of Elijah rests on Elisha.” The “spirit” – whether that means only the commission of God or whether that means that the Holy Spirit inhabited Elisha and later John in the same way that the Spirit had dwelt in Elijah, or something else, it does not demand reincarnation as an answer. This is supported by Zacharias’ words in Luke 1:16-17: “he will go forth in the spirit and power of Elijah.” He does not say, “He IS Elijah.”
Are there other passages in the Bible to support this doctrine, and give us the authority to interpret John as an actual reincarnation of Elijah, or there evidence of someone else being reincarnated?
Some people cite Matthew 17:3 as further proof: the incident in which Moses and Elijah appeared with Jesus and talked with Him on what we call the Mount of Transfiguration. This appearance does not meet the definition of reincarnation, however: their appearing was miraculous and not a birth; and the disciples recognized them as who they were: they did not have different bodies. While it may be that the disciples recognized them because they were wearing nametags, it is not a good justification for believing in reincarnation.
Still others claim that Jesus TAUGHT reincarnation, citing John 3:3 and Jesus’ teaching about “the new birth:” "In reply Jesus declared, 'I tell you the truth, no one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again.'” According to some people, this verse is cited more than any other to support reincarnation in the Bible. But when we study John 3, we find that a few verses, Jesus explains what He means when he says "born again." John 3:5 reads: "Jesus answered, 'I tell you the truth, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless he is born of water and the Spirit.'" It is clear that the Lord is speaking of the “new birth” as being born again SPIRITUALLY, and not as a physical one.
In the third part, I'll look at some passages that seem to contradict claims of reincarnation.
Reincarnation in the Bible?
Do the passages Matthew 11: 11-15 and 17: 9-13 teach reincarnation? In these passages, Jesus refers to the coming of His cousin, John the Baptizer (or Baptist, if you prefer) as being the coming of Elijah, as asked by various people of Him.
Many people have used these verses to support the idea of reincarnation, but we need to look closely at this use. In addition, we also need to consider several other passes, including Mark 9:11-13, Luke 1:17, and John 1:21, where the connection of John the Baptizer and Elijah is also discussed by Jesus.
It is also important to consider some other Biblical information. But first, let us make sure that we are clear on just what reincarnation is. For convenience, let’s use the common definition found in on-line dictionaries, such as This defines “reincarnation” in five ways, and gives an example:
1. Rebirth of the soul in another body.
2. A reappearance or revitalization in another form; a new embodiment: "The brownstone had already endured one reincarnation: In the 1940's, it was converted into eight studio apartments" (Ben Lloyd).
3. (Christian Religious Writings / Theology) the belief that on the death of the body the soul transmigrates to or is born again in another body
4. (Christian Religious Writings / Theology) the incarnation or embodiment of a soul in a new body after it has left the old one at physical death
5. embodiment again in a new form, as of a principle or idea
Definitions 1, 3, and 4 really duplicate each other, as do 2 and 5. Those who propose that the Bible (and specifically, these passages) teach reincarnation can be assumed to use 1/3/5, and we will use that assumption for this study. Note in particular that the soul is incarnated in another body: not that the old body is revived or resurrected. (The second definition can be viewed, by the way, as a figurative use of the word, and seemingly could be applied to people as well as objects and ideas, but let us concentrate on the primary definition.)
It is also important to be sure to distinguish between the concepts of reincarnation and resurrection: resurrection is not the same as reincarnation, though some people seem to confuse the two.
Back to the Bible: All of these passages deal with Elijah and John the Baptizer, and the idea is that John was Elijah reincarnated: that Elijah’s soul (or spirit) left his body at physical death and was born again in another body: that of John the son of Zacharias and Elizabeth, and cousin of Jesus (Luke 1:51).
John was the “forerunner” – he began teaching some time before his younger Cousin began his ministry (Luke 3:1-3), and specifically taught that he was fulfilling the prophesy of Isaiah, and making ready the Way of the Lord. He specifically identified Jesus of Nazareth as the One who was coming (Matthew 3:13-17).
Elijah was the Old Testament (Tanakh) prophet quoted by John, who preached during the reign of Ahab of Israel. Also known as Elias, or Elijah the Tishbite, he was from Gilead, a part of Canaan now in the Kingdom of Jordan, and his career in recorded in 1 Kings 17:1 to 2 Kings 2:11. He did not die, but instead was taken up to Heaven by a whirlwind (2 Kings 2:11). A later prophet, Malachi, predicted Elisha’s return “before the coming of the great and terrible day of the Lord.” (Malachi 4:5) As a result, Elijah was always mentioned in Hebrew worship on the Shabbat both in the time of Jesus and even today, as well as other Hebrew observances, and was considered to be the harbinger of the Messiah.
In John 1:21, John the Baptizer explicitly denied being Elijah, simply quoting Elijah himself to identify himself as the Forerunner, preparing the Way for the Messiah. This is a strong argument in itself that John was NOT Elijah reincarnated.
Another strong argument is the fact recorded in 2 Kings 2:11: Elijah DID NOT DIE. There can be no reincarnation without death. IF John (despite his denial) DID have (or was?) the soul of Elijah, that was NOT reincarnation, but some other miraculous act of God. We know that John’s birth was as miraculous as that of Jesus Himself (Luke 1ff), and this could be part of the miraculous process that led to his birth.
In the next part, I'll look at Jesus' statements about John.
Edward: This was written by a friend who asks to remain anonymous for reasons having nothing to do with this posting. Feel free to pass questions or arguments through me to them.
19 November 2010
New Owner - Same Blog, Improved
The name of this blog says it all: Gospel Sower. That comes from Jesus' parable of the sower, recorded in Matthew 13: 3-9, and explained by Jesus Himself in Matthew 13: 18-23. The Gospel of Jesus Christ is man's hope, in it God has proclaimed and explained our salvation.
My friend (who shall remain relatively anonymous - as shall I) published a dead-tree version of the Gospel Sower for several years, before the press of family and work and other activities, and some opposition that could not be overcome, caused him to cease writing and publication. It was based in the Black Hills of South Dakota; when he began the blog, he continued that association; that is the heritage of this blog, and that remains. But even as his printed version and the blog went far beyond the beautiful Black Hills, the Gospel is to be sown in a field that encompasses the entire world. Therefore, the byline is changing.
The Gospel Sower proclaims the whole Gospel to the whole World: please share this and the new postings with anyone who IS interested in the Gospel, and anyone you WISH was interested.
06 October 2010
The 2010 Religious Survey
Pew Forum Religious Knowledge Questions
Questions below have been paraphrased for brevity; most response options were rotated.
What is the first book of the Bible? (Open-ended)
What are the names of the first four books of the New Testament, that is, the four Gospels? (Open-ended)
Where, according to the Bible, was Jesus born? Bethlehem, Jerusalem, Nazareth or Jericho?
Which of these is NOT in the Ten Commandments? Do unto others…, no adultery, no stealing, keep Sabbath?
Which figure is associated with remaining obedient to God despite suffering? Job, Elijah, Moses or Abraham?
Which figure is associated with leading the exodus from Egypt? Moses, Job, Elijah or Abraham?
Which figure is associated with willingness to sacrifice his son for God? Abraham, Job, Moses or Elijah?
Elements of Christianity
What is Catholic teaching about bread and wine in Communion? They become body and blood, or are symbols?
Which group traditionally teaches that salvation is through faith alone? Protestants, Catholics, both or neither?
Was Mother Teresa Catholic, Jewish, Buddhist, Hindu or Mormon?
What is the name of the person whose writings and actions inspired the Reformation? Luther, Aquinas or Wesley?
Who was a preacher during the First Great Awakening? Jonathan Edwards, Charles Finney or Billy Graham?
Elements of Judaism
When does the Jewish Sabbath begin? Friday, Saturday or Sunday?
Was Maimonides Jewish, Catholic, Buddhist, Hindu or Mormon?
Elements of Mormonism
When was the Mormon religion founded? After 1800, between 1200 and 1800, or before 1200 A.D.?
The Book of Mormon tells of Jesus appearing to people in what area? The Americas, Middle East or Asia?
Was Joseph Smith Mormon, Catholic, Jewish, Buddhist or Hindu?
World Religions
Is Ramadan the Islamic holy month, the Hindu festival of lights or a Jewish day of atonement?
Do you happen to know the name of the holy book of Islam? (Open-ended)
Which religion aims at nirvana, the state of being free from suffering? Buddhism, Hinduism or Islam?
Is the Dalai Lama Buddhist, Hindu, Jewish, Catholic or Mormon?
In which religion are Vishnu and Shiva central figures? Hinduism, Islam or Taoism?
What is the religion of most people in India? Hindu, Buddhist, Muslim or Christian?
What is the religion of most people in Pakistan? Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist or Christian?
What is the religion of most people in Indonesia? Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist or Christian?
Who is the king of Gods in Greek mythology? Zeus, Mars or Apollo?
Atheism and Agnosticism
Is an atheist someone who does NOT believe in God, believes in God, or is unsure whether God exists?
Is an agnostic someone who is unsure whether God exists, does NOT believe in God, or believes in God?
Religion in Public Life
What does Constitution say about religion? Separation of church and state, emphasize Christianity, or nothing?
According to the Supreme Court, can a public school teacher lead a class in prayer?
According to the Supreme Court, can a public school teacher read from the Bible as an example of literature?
According to the Supreme Court, can a public school teacher offer a class comparing the world’s religions?
One thing that I find interesting is that this survey considers both Atheism and Agnosticism to be "religions."